error 6

[Android Studio] E/ClipboardService: Denying clipboard access to, application is not in focus nor is it a system service for user 0

[안드로이드 스튜디오] 클립보드 접근 거부 문제 참고 Denying clipboard access to for (Android P Version) I'm trying to open the Android app, it is crashed immediately after opening the page. I am using the android P version on(Redmi note 7 pro phone) its crashed only for P version. Its showing

[Android Studio] Unrecognized Android Studio (or Android Support plugin for IntelliJ IDEA) version '202.7660.26.42.7351085', please retry with version 2021.1.1 or newer.

[안드로이드 스튜디오] 프로젝트 버전 또는 그래들 버전 충돌 문제 Gradle sync failed: Unrecognized Android Studio (or Android Support plugin for IntelliJ IDEA) version '202.7660.26.42.7351085', please retry with version 2021.1.1 or newer. (16 s 319 ms) Android Studio is using the following JDK location when running Gradle: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre Using different JDK locations on different processes might..

[Android Studio] java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{패키지명/패키지명.MainActivity}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #숫자: Error inflating class ImageView

[안드로이드 스튜디오] 실행 예외(코드에 문제가 없다면 안드로이드 스튜디오 자체 에러일 가능성이 높음) 문제 02/12 20:12:25: Launching 'app' on test device. Install successfully finished in 3 s 183 ms. $ adb shell am start -n "com.shinyelee.myfirstfile/com.shinyelee.myfirstfile.MainActivity" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER Connected to process 4490 on device 'test_device [emulator-5554]'. Capturing and displa..

[Android Studio] Missing Constraint in ConstraintLayout

[안드로이드 스튜디오] 컨스트레인트 레이아웃 설정 오류 문제 Missing Constraints in ConstraintLayout This view is not constrained. It only has designtime positions, so it will jump to (0,0) at runtime unless you add the constraints The layout editor allows you to place widgets anywhere on the canvas, and it records the current position with designtime attributes (such as layout_editor_absoluteX). These attributes are not ..

[Android Studio] Installation did not succeed.The application could not be installed.List of apks:

[안드로이드 스튜디오] 어플리케이션 설치 실패 문제 Installation did not succeed. The application could not be installed. List of apks: [0] 'C:\Users\사용자\AndroidStudioProjects\프로젝트명\app\build\intermediates\apk\debug\app-debug.apk' Installation failed due to: 'device 'emulator-5554' not found' Retry Failed to launch an application on all devices 해결 방법 (1) 해결 방법 (2) 참고 [안드로이드 - 에러] Installation did not succeed.The appli..

[Android Studio] As of Android 12, `android:exported` must be set; use `true` to make the activity available to other apps, and `false` otherwise. For launcher activities, this should be set to `true`.

[안드로이드 스튜디오] 안드로이드 12에서는 `android:exported`를 반드시 설정해야 한다 문제 As of Android 12, `android:exported` must be set; use `true` to make the activity available to other apps, and `false` otherwise. For launcher activities, this should be set to `true`. 해결 방법 참고 Android 12를 타겟팅(targetSdkVersion 31)하는 경우, andorid:exported 설정이 필요하다.(Manifest merger failed) Android 12를 타겟팅하는경우, AndroidManifest.xml파일에서 activ..
