authors.yml 수정
moon9342 :
username: moon9342 # user name : martin
name: moon9342 # user full name : Martin Luther King
url_full: # Homepage url
bio: <a href="">얼큰우동TV, 쉽게배우는 IT(Programming,Machine Learning,금융)</a>
# 회사정보
picture: assets/built/images/economy-author-logo.jpg # author image
facebook: # facebook ID
twitter: # twitter ID
cover: False
tags.yml 수정
jekyll :
name: jekyll
description: False
cover: assets/built/images/background-frontend.jpg
python :
name: python
description: False
cover: assets/built/images/background-frontend.jpg
economy :
name: economy
description: False
cover: assets/built/images/background-frontend.jpg
출처 :
Jekyll 기반의 GitHub Page 생성(2) - 블로그 수정 & Publishing
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